Anne Adams

I am currently
exploring how family and place create connections and loneliness
in equal measure.

I try to balance the melancholy in my work with the humor of frank exchanges, made by people who cannot uphold their facades any longer. Then I investigate the heartache, ambivalence, and rage within those

hard truths.

“You whisper this life is never going to be what I want, but that it may give me what I need. You stress redemption is on the other side of shame. You remind me not to neglect my plants. That I should hug my body. Share, you say. Share everything. Scoop up this giant mystery with both hands and marvel at how stunning, intense, and horrendous it truly is.”

- I Thought You’d Be A Sparrow by Anne Adams

  About Anne

Her plays have been produced and workshopped in London, New York, and various other cities in the US and her play STRANGE COUNTRY was shortlisted with the BBC Writersroom Script Room Drama in 2017. She currently resides, and writes, in the seaside town of Whitstable, UK.

To read more about Anne’s plays,

click here.

To read samples of Anne’s prose,

click here.

Born and raised in Temple, Texas, Anne began examining the culture in which she was raised with a newfound lens after moving to Boston, Chicago, and eventually on to the UK, where she has made her home for over a decade.
Anne began her artistic life as an actor, performing with beloved companies like Steppenwolf and Northlight Theatre in Chicago and the Arcola Theatre in London. In 2016, she delved deeper into creative writing which is now her primary craft.